Saturday, January 30, 2021

Episode 8 (Grow and Lead)

John C. Maxwell is a leader and he knows the importance of future planning for leadership; however, he is balancing among his books between the importance of future and present since present is also important for leaders and whoever seek success in life.

One of factors that attracted me to John Maxwell books that his writings are very practical. Although his books are focusing mainly on two subjects: Leadership and Personal Growth, there are variety of topics within these two subjects.

One of the useful books he wrote is (TODAY MATTERS). I believe that this book is targeting the two subjects he focuses on always: Leadership and Personal Growth. I will talk starting from episode about this nice book and I advise everyone to read it.

The main message of the book is: (Focus on today to succeed in future) and in order to achieve this objective, the author states 12 daily practices that ones should follow. 

These 12 practices touches different aspects of life and all of them are been practiced by the author. Because of that, you feel the practicality when you read the book.

These 12 daily practices are: Attitude, Priorities, Health, Family, Thinking, Commitment, Financial Resources, Faith, Relationship, Generosity, Values and Growth.

Under each practice, the author mentions five main things which are:

1) Why this practice is important?​

2) Decisions to be made about the practice.​

3) Control Rules of the practice.​

4) Author’s Experience on the practice on different periods of his life.​

5) A Story that supports this practice​.

The books contains many useful tips and advices for success in life and I believe whoever follows these tips and advices will surely have more chance to be one of successful people.

To read Episode 7, please click here.  

Monday, January 4, 2021

Episode 7 (Grow and Lead)

(Talent is not enough) is a very useful and interesting book. The author John C. Maxwell send a clear message in this book: Don't depend only on your talent. You should feed it with some choices which will magnify your talent) I'm continuing mentioning one or two concepts about each choice which will summarize the concept.

Under choice (Perseverance sustains my talent), the author states that the talent without perseverance never fulfills its hopes placed on it, and opportunities without perseverance are lost. Also, to ensure the value of perseverance, the author says that 99% of the failures come from people who are used to make excuses.

In the next choice (Courage tests my talent), it is mentioned that it is easy to be brave in one's strength and it is much more difficult in weakness areas. If you are a leader or an innovative thinker, you will often be at the forefront of the crowd, which will sometimes make you an easy target and this requires courage.

The ninth choice is (Teachability expands my talent). Under this choice, the author states that people who are open to learn are open to new ideas and are willing to learn from anyone who has something to provide. There are lot of things to be learnt if we are open to learn since this world is wide and we are very limited.

The tenth choice is about (Character protects my talent). Here, the focuses on Self-discipline which is the ability to do what is right even when you don't feel like doing it. If any person focus more on talent and less on character won't achieve balanced life.

(Relationships influence my talent) is the next choice important to magnify ones talent. John Maxwell always ensures in his books about the important of this choice. He states that our relationships are a main factor for our successes and failures. Either it will raise us or lead us to lower positions.

The last choice is (Teamwork multiplies my talent). Teamwork as stated by author has many benefits such as maximizing the influence and adding more value to the person. 

Having certain talent is great but it is not enough to success in life. Reading this book and applying what includes will surely put the person on the success track. 

To read Episode 6, please click here