Sunday, May 30, 2021

Episode 14 (Grow and Lead)

For the past six episodes, I was talking about John Maxwell's book (TODAYS MATTER) which has a core message (Focus on today to succeed in future). In today's episode, I will conclude talking about this book.

The three remaining daily practices that ensures success are: Generosity, Values and Growth. Starting with generosity, the author states that: (Today's generosity gives me significance). The importance of generosity comes from that it adds value to others and it will transfer the focus from self to others.

Whoever makes generosity part of his life, will feel a positive difference every day.

Next daily practice is values. The author states that: (Today's values give me direction). Without clear values, there won't be clarity in ones life. It is important to specify good values and practice them everyday.

For example, if someone's value is taking care of family, he should practice that daily and put is as priority. Doing that will ensure success in life.

The last practice is Growth which is one of the most important ones and essential thing for leaders and successful people. (Today's growth gives me potential) as said by the author.

Personal growth has great effect on one's efficiency and even on organization level. It is necessary to have clear objectives in order to practice and feel the growth on daily basis.

I hope you read all episodes which I explained about this book and more important is to read it since it contains useful concepts beside that it is existing as other books for the author.

To read Episode 13, please click here

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