Thursday, December 30, 2021

Episode 28 (Grow and Lead)

Losses are part of life. Successful people knows how to convert these losses into success. One of the main factor to support this conversion is to have a learning mindset. There are eleven factors that will support having this mindset. The book (SOMETIMES YOU WIN...SOMETIMES YOU LEARN) written by John C. Maxwell is talking about these factors.

The first factor is (Humility... the sprint of learning). Being humble will open the door for learning and best levels of achievements. Here are the reasons as per the author:

1) Being humble will make us have real perspective of ourselves and life.

- Ken Blancher says: (Being humble doesn't mean underestimate ourselves. It means that we think less in ourselves).
- Being humble will encourage seeing things as it is, learning approach and desire to improve.

2) Being humble will let us learn and grow against losses.

- Success won't come from getting rid of our problems and losses, but from growing from and with them.

3) Being humble will make us away from perfection and continue trying.

4) Being humble will provide us maximum benefit from our losses.

Being humble is an important ethic for effective leaders as well successful people and it will let us learn from our losses.

To read episode 27, please click here.

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