Saturday, December 17, 2022

Episode 49 (Grow and Lead)

Through 21 laws, John C. Maxwell explains in his book (THE 21 IRREEFUTABLE LAWS OF LEADERSHIP) the importance, characteristics and the values of leadership. It is a very useful book for leaders and whoever wants to learn leadership.

The ninth law is called (The law of Magnetism) and it states that who you are is who you attract.

The important points under this law are the following:

- People who are attracted to leaders probably have more similar characteristics than different ones, especially in some essential areas.

- In most organizations, the employees who join them are often of the same generation as the leaders who hired them.

- People with positive attitudes tend to make others feel more positive. On the other hand, people with negative attitudes tend to disappoint others.

- People will attract and be attracted to others with the same backgrounds.

- It does not matter whether the values are positive or negative, in both cases, the attraction will be on same power.

The better leader you are, the better leaders you attract.

This law is important to be taken care by the leader since many results expected will depend on this law especially that the teams will be established based on this law.

To read episode 48, please click here.

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