Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Episode 11 (Grow and Lead)

I explained in the last episode about the importance of having a healthy attitude as the first daily practice towards success in future. Remember that we are talking about a very useful book called (TODAY MATTERS) written by John C. Maxwell.

I decided to put a complete episode for this practice since our attitude will affect all other practices. Let me in this episode talk about two other important daily practices. They are Priorities and Health.

(Today's Priorities give me focus). This is how the author titled this section about priorities. It is an important matter one should focus on for the following reasons:

- Time is the most valuable commodity and without having clear priorities, most of it will be wasted.

- It is impossible to do everything, so it is important to have clear priorities in order to focus on important things.

- Priorities support us in selecting wise choices.

In order to maintain these priorities, the author suggests the following:

- Make sure to evaluate your priorities daily.

- Plan your time accurately.

- Execute your plan.

The third daily practice is related to health. The author states that (Today's Health will give me strength) and this is true since without a good health, one can't do many things. 

Actually, the author himself had an heart attack, so he knows the importance of health. The following points summarize the importance of good health:

- Your health affect you emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

- It is easier to maintain a good health than loosing it then recovering it.

The golden rule to maintain a good health is to do exercises and have healthy food.

Let us always remember the main message of the book: (Focus on today to succeed in future) and this will be achieved by following the daily practices suggested in this nice book.

To read Episode 10, please click here. 

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