Learning from losses is not a common culture among many people although it is a sign for success and it is essential for leaders. John C. Maxwell in his book (SOMETIMES YOU WIN...SOMETIMES YOU LEARN) explains the importance of learning from losses and mentions 11 factors to support this learning.
The seventh factor is (Adversity...The motivator to learn). Any adversity has a pain and it will not let us as we were. The author believes that one of the periods that people change is when are injured.
We can not control our adversities; however, we can control our reactions during and after them. If we react positively, the result will be positive and the same is true if we react negatively.
There are benefits for adversity as the author states:
1- Adversity will let us to know ourselves if we want to know ourselves.
As previous Egyptian president Anwar Sadat said: (Great pains is what build the person and make him see himself in reality).
2- Adversity is a better teacher than success if we want to learn from it.
The author Emmet Fox said: (The only real tragedy is whatever come when we suffer without learning the lesson).
3- Adversity opens doors for new opportunities if we want to learn from it.
Many people let adversities defeat them when they face them; instead, they should search for opportunities.
4- Adversity might point to a close positive change if we react to it in right way.
5- Adversity writes our stories and if our reaction is right, the story will be good.
Adversity hits all people; however, the story that you will write is your story.
It is necessary to deal positively with adversities since they are part of our life and if we are able to do that, adversities will be a great motivator for learning.
To read episode 33, please click here.
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