Saturday, November 21, 2020

Episode 5 (Grow and Lead)


I will continue in this episode to talk about John Maxwell book (Talent is never Enough). The main message of the book is: Don't depend only on your talent. You should feed it with some choices which will magnify your talent. If you do that, you will be on the success track and you will achieve wonderful results.

What are the choices that will support your talents as mentioned in this book?

1. Belief lifts my talents.

2. Passion energizes my talent.

3. Initiative activates my talent.

4. Focus directs my talent.

5. Preparation positions my talent.

6. Practice sharpens my talent.

7. Perseverance sustains my talent.

8. Courage tests my talent.

9. Teachability expands my talent.

10. Character protects my talent.

11. Relationships influence my talent.

12. Responsibility strengthens my talent.

13. Teamwork multiplies my talent.

We can notice the impact of each choice on our talent. Each choice needs lot of efforts but it will lead at end to positive result and impact. There are many useful concepts under each choice. Let me go briefly through each one of them.

Under (Belief lifts my talents), the author advices to believe in the following: Our Latent Potentials, Ourselves and Our Mission. We need to determine the following in order to utilize our believes: Expectations, Actions and Results.

Under (Passion energizes my talent), the author states that there is a power for passion which will result in the following: First step to achievements, maximize the willpower, produces energy, basis for excellence and key for success.

I will continue some concepts for the other choices in the next episodes.

To read Episode 4, please click here.

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