Sunday, February 26, 2023

Episode 54 (Grow and Lead)

(THE 21 IRREFUTABLE LAWS OF LEADESHIP) written by John C. Maxwell is a very useful book in the leadership field. It is full of lessons and useful concepts that will be benefial for any leader or who seeks to be a leader in future. These lessons and concepts are represented through 21 laws.

The fourteenth law is called (The law of Buy-in) and it states that people buy into the leader, then the vision.

The important points under this law are the following:

People do not follow noble issues at the beginning, they follow effective leaders who stand for issues they can believe in.

If a leader has not established his credibility with his followers, it does not really matter how great the vision he presents.

Every message that people receive is filtered by the messenger who delivers it. If you consider the messenger to be a credible person, you will believe that the message is valuable.

- The only case that people will follow a leader who they do not like carrying a vision that they are not convinced with is that the leader has some kind of a power.

- Even if people believed that the issue is noble, if they did not love the leader, they will search for another leader to follow.

- When people believe in the leader and his vision, they will follow him no matter how bad the circumstances are and whatever obstacles stand in front of them.

As a leader, your success is measured by your ability to get people where they need to be; however, you can only do this if people believe in you as a leader first.

This law is essential for any leader since it will support achieving the vision.

To read episode 53, please click here

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